Thursday, August 31, 2017

TileCache : Cannot Identify Image File

On a newly set up CentOS box, and newly installed TileCache, i got this:

Last lines says:
File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/PIL/", line 2030, in open
    raise IOError("cannot identify image file")

I tried replacing PIL with Pillow but still got an error. I had successful installations on other CentOS boxes before, so PIL should work. After removing Pillow, I reinstalled PIL... then, that's it! It worked! Must have had an issue when I installed PIL the first time.


        Reinstall PIL:
               install pip
                        # sudo yum install python-pip

               uninstall PIL
                        # sudo pip uninstall PIL

               reinstall PIL Imaging
                        # cd Imaging-1.1.6
                        # sudo python install


  1. Nep Nep! What a wonderful and informative post! I'll inform my sisters about this wonderful site :)


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