Thursday, October 27, 2011

gdal: update supported formats

to update gdal's supported formats, extract compressed source then configure with support options. i use the options below which include support for postgresql and mysql
./configure --with-jpeg --with-gd --with-freetype --with-png --with-ogr --with-proj --with-gdal --with-httpd=/usr/local/apache2 --with-tiff --with-wfs --with-wcs --with-threads --with-wmsclient --with-wfsclient --with-geos=/usr/local/bin/geos-config --with-postgis --enable-debug --with-pg=/usr/local/pgsql/bin/pg_config --with-gif --with-mysql --with-php-- --with-libtiff --with-static-proj4=/usr/local/bin

to check gdal's supported formats
# ogrinfo --formats
Supported Formats:
  -> "ESRI Shapefile" (read/write)
  -> "MapInfo File" (read/write)
  -> "UK .NTF" (readonly)
  -> "SDTS" (readonly)
  -> "TIGER" (read/write)
  -> "S57" (read/write)
  -> "DGN" (read/write)
  -> "VRT" (readonly)
  -> "REC" (readonly)
  -> "Memory" (read/write)
  -> "BNA" (read/write)
  -> "CSV" (read/write)
  -> "GML" (read/write)
  -> "GPX" (read/write)
  -> "KML" (read/write)
  -> "GeoJSON" (read/write)
  -> "GMT" (read/write)
  -> "PostgreSQL" (read/write)
  -> "MySQL" (read/write)
  -> "AVCBin" (readonly)

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