Wednesday, April 04, 2018

InfluxDB + Grafana Not Showing All Data

We noticed that our Grafana graph was not displaying all the data we were seeing before. We have this graph that shows ongoing tasks' age during a specific time, and it was set to show those that are less than 20 mins old, less than 1 hour old, less than 2 hours old, and those older than 2 hours. But looking at our graph, it showed only two legends, and one of the line data seems to only display 1/8 of the whole 24 hour time span.

Choosing a smaller time span of 12 hours, the graph showed three legends, with two line data complete, and one only displaying 1/4 of the whole 12 hour time span.

Setting the time span to just 6  hours shows all the four legends, with complete line data. So, yeah, it looks like someone is truncating the data being displayed.

Turns out, InfluxDB has a setting that limits the amount of data it returns. Just increased its max-row-limit value and restarted InfluxDB's service, and we got our graph to display all the data again! Compare the last graph, below, from the first graph and see the difference.

Ok, now, back to what I was really working on...

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