Monday, January 30, 2017

psql: symbol lookup error: psql: undefined symbol: PQsslInUse

so, i have a postgres 9.4 on a fedora 23 when fedora 25 was released. i tend to keep the second recent version of OS, so i upgraded to fedora 24 via dnf. after upgrade, my rails apps that use my postgres worked okay. that means everything is running. but when i had to connect to postgres through console, i got this:

rather than committing myself to solving it, i made do with using rails console to access my database.

a friend upgraded his ubuntu 14 to ubuntu 16 and had his rails apps set up. his postgres was working as it should. so, it's time i had to make my console access to work again.

i checked postgresql packages installed on my box, and got these:

i uninstalled postgresql 9.5 installations done by my os upgrade and left these packages:

then i got a command not found when i run psql, i searched the psql command and created a sym link to /bin/ as so:

apir! psql through console is back yep, t'was just a postgresql client-server version mismatch :)

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